On your Circuit DesignStudio Desktop do a “File – Save As” This should open up a pop-up window on your computer screen. Note the “File Name:” box and “Save as Type” Box at the bottom of the pop-up window. Rename your file name to be “Filename”.txt instead of .cut and change the “Save As Type” to “All Files” instead of “Cricut Files (*.cut). Now hit “SAVE” button. This should save your file as a .txt file.
Now TO UPLOAD the .txt file to the Cricut Message Board: Go to Cricut Message Board and sign-in and go to the forum where you want to post a new message and add your .cut file (I would usually do this in the Design Studio Forum as this is where most people looking for .cut files would look). Click on the “New Post” button at the top of the screen: This should open a new popup window on your computer.
Note underneath the “Message” area where it says “File” then next to that it says “Click here to upload” and then a check box and then “embed picture in post”. You want to click on where it says: “Click here to upload”. You will get another smaller popup windown on your computer screen. Click on the “Browse” button - it will open another popup window to “Choose File” and locate the .txt file that you created in the previous steps and highlight it and hit the “Open Button”. Once you open you will go back to the previous smaller popup window. Note that now the previously empty box next to the “Browse” button has now been filled in (it is listing where on your computer to upload the file from). Now hit the “OK” button. If the file uploads successfully you should get another popup window on your screen. Click on Okay. This will return you back to your original “New Post Screen”. Make sure you have finished your “message” and then click the “Okay” button. Hopefully, you will then get a final pop-up like you do when you post a normal message that says your message has been successfully posted. Congratulations. You should now have a cut file saved as a .txt file as an attachment to your post. People who visit the message board can download this file and save it as a .cut file instead of a .txt and have your .cut file that you designed without having to go to an outside server like MediaFire!!